A model of seven factors affecting students’ ability to interpret and visualize ERs in biochemistry

Snapshot CV

In 2005, I obtained a Ph.D. in biochemistry education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. In investigating both the submicroscopic world and psychology of mind, the doctoral inquiry explored students’ difficulties and factors influencing the ability to interpret external representations (ERs) in biochemistry. Prof. Trevor R. Anderson (Purdue University, USA) supervised the work, and the thesis examiners were Profs. John K. Gilbert (University of Reading, England), David F. Treagust (Curtin University, Australia) and Duane W. Sears (University of California, USA).

The doctoral journey required reading across disciplines and cross-pollinating data-collection and analytical methodology. I saw the work as an opportunity to contribute to the genesis of a field that was only in its infancy in 2000, an area of science education research that continues to develop rapidly around the world: visualization in molecular life science education.

Following Ph.D. study, I have been fortunate to have served three postdoctoral positions: in South Africa (Univeristy of KwaZulu-Natal, 2005-2006), Germany (University of Göttingen , 2006-2007) and Sweden (Linköping University, 2008-2009). These posts have provided opportunities to be part of dynamic academic enterprise in diverse contexts, and to live within and experience new cultures.

I am presently a Professor of Visual Learning and Communication (VLC) at Linköping University (LiU), Sweden. The VLC research activities are funded by grant applications submitted to the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR). The VLC group is part of Media and Information Technology at LiU, a division associated with C-Research housed at the cutting-edge Visualiseringscenter C in Norrköping. Since 2012, I have been the Coordinator, and since 2019, the Scientific Leader of the Swedish National Graduate School in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Research (FontD), hosted at LiU. Lastly, since 2010, I have been part of a two-person team together with Assoc. Prof. Gunnar Höst tasked by the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket) to assimilate and communicate aspects of current international science education research (Forskning om NO-ämnena) to in-service science teachers.

My research consists of contributing to the overall aims of the VLC group by conducting research with local and international colleagues that is concerned with students’ interpretation and visualization of ERs used in the learning and teaching of science, as well as addressing broader research problems in chemistry and biology didactics.

I have conducted 238 peer review mandates to date, across 24 journals, 21 of which are ISI-listed. I currently serve as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Biological Education and am on the Editorial Boards of International Journal of Science Education, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education and Discover Education. I have conducted reviews for: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, Journal of Chemical Education, Computers & Education, Journal of Biological Education, CBE—Life Sciences Education, IEEE Transactions on Education, Science Education, International J. of Science and Mathematics Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, International Journal of Science Education, European Journal of Physics, International Journal of STEM Education, The American Biology Teacher, Children and Youth Services Review, Teacher Development, MRS Advances, Asia Pacific Education Review, South African Journal of Education, Nordic Studies in Science Education, Designs for Learning, & African J. of Research in Math., Sci. and Technol. Educ.

Konrad J. Schönborn


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