Linköping University, Department of Science and Technology

Krzysztof Marciniak, Ph.D., docent


I am a mathematician working at Department of Science and Technology (Institution för Teknik och Naturvetenskap, ITN) of  Linköping University, Sweden. In 1991 I obtained M.Sc. degree (Master of Science) in the field of theoretical physics at Physics Department of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. 1992-1998 I was a Ph.D. student at the Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, where I obtained my Ph.D. in applied mathematics after defending my thesis: "Soliton Methods in the Theory of Integrable Mechanical Systems" (published in Papers 1-5). 1999 I moved to Campus Norrköping, Linköping University, where I still work. In March 2005 I became docent in applied mathematics. For my research interests, list of my publications, courses taught and more, see below.




My coordinates.

Send a mail to me:,


Some links to math resources

nonlinear sciences archive at

A list of "integrable" links

Science Direct


American Mathematical Society

European Mathematical Society

Swedish Mathematical Society

London Mathematical Society

Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences, the host of Banach Center

Math Archives from University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics "A free service for the mathematical community provided by Wolfram Research, makers of Mathematica, with additional support from the National Science Foundation "


I perform research in the area of integrable differential equations, a branch of mathematics studying beautiful and unique properties of special classes of nonlinear differential equations. My research is often inspired by various equations of mathematical physics (like Korteveg-de Vries equation, /nonlinear/ Schrödinger equation, Harry Dym equation) or analytical mechanics (like Hamilton, Hamilton-Jacobi or Lagrange equations).


List of some of my publications. My publications on MathSciNet and on

Curriculum Vitae/ (with the complete list of publications)


Research interests:

Integrable nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations

Theory of separability for ordinary and partial differential equations

Separable Hamiltonian systems and their connections with infinite-dimensional integrable systems (soliton equations)

Differential-geometric description of integrable and separable differential equations

Solitons and soliton hierarchies

Dirac and Poisson reductions of Hamiltonian operators and Hamiltonian pencils

Bi-cofactor systems and theory of geodesic equivalent dynamical systems

Stäckel transforms and Stäckel equivalent systems

Quantum integrable and quantum separable systems


The official web page of the conference

State-of-the-art of classical separability theory for differential equations

that was held January 6-11, 2004 at Campus Valla, Linköping University




M.Sc. course Dynamical Systems, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May-June 2020

Linjär algebra (TNIU75) ht1 2019 för BI2, FTL2, SL2

MSc course Dynamical Systems, University of Rwanda, KIgali, August-Septmeber 2018

Ph.D. course Dynamical Systems, Department of Mathematics, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, August/September 2017

MSc course Dynamical Systems, University of Rwanda, Butare, February-March 2016

A 12 hp Ph.D. course: Introduction to differential geometry  – a modern approach to classical ideas of differential geometry: general topology, curves and surfaces in Rn, smooth manifolds, tensor fields, Riemannian geometry (Levi-Civita connection, parallel displacement, geodesics, curvature tensor) and more. The last run of the course (spring-fall 2016) is now finished. Contact me if you are interested in taking the course.

Master course Dynamical systems, University of Rwanda, Butare, April-May 2015.

A 10 hp Ph.D. course: Calculus of variations and optimal control theory, was running in the Fall 2014. Plan of the course can be found here. Contact me if you are interested in taking the course.


Some previous courses (with old exams etc.) – in reverse chronological order


Envariabelanalys II (TNIU23) vt1 2013 för BI1

Envariabelanalys I (TNIU22) ht2 2012 för BI1

Linjär algebra (TNIU75) ht1 2012 för BI2, FL2, SL2

Envariabelanalys II (TNIU23) vt1 2012 för BI1

Envariabelanalys I (TNIU22) ht2 2011 för BI1

Linjär algebra (TNIU75) ht1 2011 för BI2, FL2, SL2

Envariabelanalys II (TNIU23) vt1 2011 för BI1

Envariabelanalys I (TNIU22) ht2 2010 för BI1

Linjär algebra (TNIU75) ht1 2010 för BI, SL

Envariabelanalys II (TNIU23) vt1 2010 för BI1

Envariabelanalys I (TNIU22) ht2 2009 för BI1

Linjär algebra (TNIU75) ht1 2009 för BI, SL

Envariabelanalys II (TNIU23) vt1 2009 för BI1

Envariabelanalys I (TNIU22) ht2 2008 för BI1

Linjär algebra (TNIU75) vt1 2008 för BI1, OI, SL1.

Envariabelanalys (TNIU70) ht 2007 (P1+P2) för BI1

Linjär algebra för MK1, ES1, TL1, BI1 (TNIU75) P1 vt 2007

Envariabelanalys (TNIU70) ht 2006 (P1+P2) för BI1, TL1, ES1, MK1

Transformer för MK1, TL1 (TNDE24) P2 vt 2006

Linjär algebra för MK1, TL1, BI1 (TNIU75) P1 vt 2006

Envariabelanalys (TNIU70) ht 2005 (P1+P2) för BI1, TL1, MK1

Linjär algebra för MK1, DE1, BI1 (TNIU75) P1 vt 2005

Envariabelanalys (TNIU70) ht 2004 (P1+P2) för BI1, DE1, MK1

Linjär algebra för MK1, DE1, BI1 (TNIU75) P1 vt 2004

Envariabelanalys (TNG001) ht 2003-vt 2004 (för MT1A, MT1B, MT1C)

Grundläggande kurs i matematik (TNG000) ht 2003 för MT1A och för MT1B (se även Sixten Nilssons hemsida)

Matematiska modeller i biologi (TATM 38) for TB4 - ht 2003 P1


Last modified: March 12, 2020