Volume Haptics Toolkit


The Volume Haptics Toolkit is under ongoing development, adding both new features and functionality. Some of the development is based on feature requests, consequences from bugfixes and requirements from parallel application developments, however the most advanced features stem from parallel research in the area. Read more about this on the research page.

For information about known bugs in recent releases and fixes that will be part of future releases, please refer to the bugtracker at h3d.org. This is also the right place to report new bugs, however make sure that the bug is not already reported or even fixed, and that it really is a bug — reporting non-bugs may slow down the fix of real bugs.

Version Convention

The release versioning follows a numerical convention comprised of three numbers: Major, Minor and Maintenance.

Major (X.1.1) A major rewrite and large changes to both external and internal structures of the toolkit. Upon a major version increment, there has been some major reconsideration of main design principles.
Minor (1.X.1) A functionality update where features are added and mainly internal restructuring performed. Generally a minor version increment keeps backward compatibility with programs written with earlier versions, however this is not guaranteed. Also compatibility updates, to make the toolkit work with new releases of dependence libraries, fall under this category.
Maintenance (1.1.X) The maintenance updates are supposed to change nothing in the API, but only fix internal bugs and such.
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