Designing Future Optical Wireless Communication Networks


Welcome to DETERMINE

Project Abstract:
Designing future optical wireless system solutions calls for research and development (R&D) efforts. The DETERMINE project develops concepts, models, algorithms, and architecture for free space communication over the optical spectrum. To this end, the project follows the approach of intensive knowledge exchange and competence integration between the partners of the consortium.

Optical wireless communications systems are expected on rely on a layered structure, and solution integration across layers is highly desirable. Toward this end, DETERMINE is built around combining knowledge and know-how via exchange of expertise from the physical layer, medium access, network optimization, to end applications.

In addition to technological development, DETERMINE contributes to skill acquisition by training early-stage researchers. The knowledge transfer actions are built on a mutual-beneficial basis between the two European partners and the Chinese partner. DETERMINE also implements knowledge exchange with other European efforts in the area.
Main Objectives:
  • Investigation of physical-layer performance; this includes the experimental performance evaluation, channel modelling, and design of physical transmission layer of optical wireless communications;
  • Investigation of algorithms and optimisation approaches for link and network layers; this includes link-level protocol, end-to-end routing algorithms, and optimization of topology and resource allocation in a network context of optical wireless communications;
  • Design of multimedia applications; this includes adaptive coding schemes, cross-layer coding, and video transmission system design and its performance evaluation in optical wireless communication systems.
List of Work Packages:
WP1 Physical layer performance [WP leader: Aston]
WP2 Link-layer and networking optimization [WP leader: LiU]
WP3 Layer-integrated multimedia applications [WP leader: XJTU]
WP4 Management, training, dissemination, and potential exploitation [WP leader: LiU]

DETERMINE (FP7 MC-IRSES, project no. 318906) is a 48 month
Marie Curie International research staff exchange scheme (IRSES) project
which started in June 2013, and is funded by the European Commission
under Call FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES in FP7.

DETERMINE is funded by
Project funded by the European Commission under the People: Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) Programme of the 7th Framework FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES
EU-FP7 Marie Curie Actions
International Research Staff
Exchange Scheme
Linkoping University Aston University XJTU