Christiane Schmidt
visiting address:
Linköping University / Campus Norrköping
Spetsen (Luntgatan 2)
room 6212
mail to:
Linköping University / ITN
SE 60174
Norrköping, Sweden (at-thing)
03/2022 | - | ... | Senior Associate Professor (biträdande professor) at the Communications and Transport Systems division of the Department of Science and Technology at Linköping University . |
11/2020 | docent in infrainformatics at Linköping University (similar to the habilitation in Germany/other parts of Europe), recording of my docent lecture: . | ||
04/2020 | - | 02/2022 | Senior Lecturer (universitetslektor) at the Communications and Transport Systems division of the Department of Science and Technology at Linköping University . |
11/2017 | - | 03/2020 | Assistant Professor (biträdande universitetslektor) at the Communications and Transport Systems division of the Department of Science and Technology at Linköping University . |
09/2015 | - | 10/2017 | Post Doc at the Communications and Transport Systems division of the Department of Science and Technology at Linköping University . Working mainly on the ODESTA project and the KODIC project. |
09/2014 | - | 08/2015 | Post Doc at the Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Postdoctoral Fellowship by ICORE ALGO. |
12/2013 | - | 08/2014 | Lecturer and Research assistant at TU Braunschweig, Algorithms Group . |
06/2013 | - | 11/2013     | Post Doc at Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, State University of New York at Stony Brook (Postdoc Program of the DAAD). |
06/2011 | Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat.) defense at Braunschweig Institue of Technology. | ||
05/2006 | - | 05/2013 | Research assistant at TU Braunschweig (at first at the Institute of Mathematical Optimization , then Algorithms Group ). |
10/2000 | - | 03/2006 | Studied "Finanz- und Wirtschaftsmathematik" (Mathematics in Finance and Industry) at TU Braunschweig |
06/1981 | Born in Wolfsburg |
Associate Editor
Program Committees:
Guest co-editor
Non-academic Outreach
Supervisory duties
PhD students:Academic Excellence in ATM (and UTM) Research group
A. Brötzner,
O. Filtser,
B.J. Nilsson,
C. Rieck, C. Schmidt:
Segment Watchman Routes,
Submitted for Publication
A. Brötzner, B.J. Nilsson, C. Schmidt:
Two Watchmen's Routes in Staircase Polygons,
Submitted for Publication
O. Filtser,
E. Krohn, B.J. Nilsson, C. Rieck, C. Schmidt:
Guarding Polyominoes Under k-Hop Visibility,
In Algorithmica
[open access PDF at publisher], [doi],
[Preprint on arXiv], [Slides for a longer talk on the paper, prepared for a seminar with an introduction for a more general CS audience]
Recording of a seminar talk on this:
L. Yu,
C. H. Häll,
A. Peterson, C. Schmidt:
Short-Term Crew Rescheduling: Extending the Scheduling Options in a Tabu-Search-Based Approach,
To appear in RailDresden 2025
D. Dekker,
C. H. Häll,
A. Peterson,
A New Approach for Rerouting Multiple Trains During Construction Works and Major Disturbances,
To appear in RailDresden 2025
L. Yu,
C. H. Häll,
A. Peterson, C. Schmidt:
A Time- and Space-Efficient Heuristic Approach for Late Train-Crew Rescheduling,
Submitted for Publication
[Preprint on arXiv]
R. Ghasemi, A. Bagheri, A. Brötzner, F. Farivar, F. Keshavarz-Kohjerdi, B.J. Nilsson, C. Schmidt:
m-Watchmen's Routes in Minbar and Generalized Minbar Polygons,
Submitted for publication
R. Hajizadeh,
T. Polishchuk,
E. Rönnberg,
C. Schmidt:
A Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulation for Automated Aircraft Arrival Routing and Scheduling, Reducing Computation Times for Solving the Optimization Problem,
Submitted for publication
T. Lidén, C. Schmidt, R.Zahir:
Two-Stage Weekly Shift Scheduling for Train Dispatchers,
In the 24th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2024)
[DROPS], [PDF], doi:
A. Lemetti,
L. Meyer,
M. Peukert,
T. Polishchuk,
H. Alpfjord Wylde:
Predicting Air Traffic Controller Workload using Machine Learning with a Reduced Set of Eye-Tracking Features,
In The 35th European Association for Aviation Psychology (EAAP) Conference
T. Lidén, C. Schmidt, R.Zahir:
Improving Attractiveness of Working Shifts for Train Dispatchers,
Presented at 25th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2023)
In Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024
L. Yu,
C. H. Häll,
A. Peterson, C. Schmidt:
Last-minute Crew Rescheduling: Model and Heuristic Approach,
To appear in EWGT 2024
D. Dekker,
C. H. Häll,
A. Peterson,
A New Method for Inserting Train Paths into a Timetable
Presented at EWGT 2024
A. Lemetti,
L. Meyer,
M. Peukert,
T. Polishchuk,
H. Alpfjord Wylde:
Eye in the Sky: Predicting Air Traffic Controller Workload through Eye-tracking based Machine Learning,
In 43rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)
S. Fekete,
J. S.B. Mitchell,
C. Rieck,
C. Scheffer,
C. Schmidt:
Dispersive Vertex Guarding for Simple and Non-Simple Polygons,
In 36th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2024)
[Preprint on arXiv], [PDF of Proceedings]
G. Dilman,
D. Eppstein,
V. Polishchuk,
C. Schmidt:
Well-Separated Multiagent Path Traversal,
In 36th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2024)
[PDF of Proceedings]
R. Hajizadeh,
T. Polishchuk,
E. Rönnberg,
C. Schmidt:
A Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulation for Automated Aircraft Sequencing with Continuous Descent Operations in TMAs,
Peer-reviewed extended abstract in 14th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2024)
L. Yu,
C. H. Häll,
A. Peterson, C. Schmidt:
A MILP Model for Rescheduling Freight Trains under an Unexpected Marshalling-Yard Closure,
In Ingegneria Ferroviaria, June 2024 issue
P. Hecker, N. Asher, F. Brazier, T. Hovald, M. Jacyna, M. Kaltschmitt, M. Lovera, C. Schmidt, N. Viola, A. Leroy, G. Aigoin, S. Arrowsmith, E.Isambert, K. Reinartz-Krott, G. Soudain, F. Tymvios, S. Salles:
EASA Scientific Committee Annual Report 2023 and Appendices EASA Scientific Committee Annual Report 2023,
download links for PDFs
O. Filtser,
E. Krohn, B.J. Nilsson, C. Rieck, C. Schmidt:
Guarding Polyominoes under k-Hop Visibility,
In LATIN (Latin American Theoretical Informatics) 2024
[Preprint on arXiv], [Springer Link], [Slides for a longer talk on the paper, prepared for a seminar with an introduction for a more general CS audience]
Recording of a seminar talk on this:
A. Brötzner, B.J. Nilsson, C. Schmidt:
The k-Transmitter Watchman Route Problem is
NP-Complete Even in Histograms and Star-Shaped
In 40th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG)
C. Alegría , A. Brötzner, B.J. Nilsson, C. Schmidt, C. Seara :
The Complexity of the Lower Envelope of
Collections of Various Geometric Shapes,
In 40th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG)
N. Matinrad,
A Comparison of Mixed Carsharing Systems with One-Way and Round-Trip Systems
Presented at 25th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT 2023)
Submitted for publication
A. Lemetti,
L. Meyer,
M. Peukert,
T. Polishchuk,
Discrete-Fourier-Transform-Based Evaluation of Physiological Measures as Workload and Fatigue Indicators,
In 42nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) 2023
[PDF], [Presentation slides by L. Meyer]
W. Erlandson, C. H. Häll,
A. Peterson,
Meta-Heuristic for Inserting a Robust Train Path in a Non-Cyclic Timetable
In Transportation Planning and Technology, Volume 46, 2023, Issue 7, pages 842-863
[doi], [PDF]
A. Bagheri, A. Brötzner, F. Farivar, R. Ghasemi, F. Keshavarz-Kohjerdi, E. Krohn, B.J. Nilsson, C. Schmidt:
Minsum m watchmen’s routes in Stiegl polygons,
In XX Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry
[Booklet of abstracts], [PDF]
P. Hecker, N. Asher, H. Bijl, F. Brazier, T. Hovald, M. Jacyna, M. Kaltschmitt, M. Lovera, V.-H. Peuch, C. Schmidt, N. Viola:
EASA Scientific Committee Annual Report 2022 and Appendices EASA Scientific Committee Annual Report 2022,
download links for PDFs
B.J. Nilsson, C. Schmidt:
k-Transmitter Watchman Routes,
In WALCOM 2023
[Preprint on arXiv], [Springer Link]
Talk about the problem at NYU's geometry seminar from December 2022
T. Lidén, C. Schmidt, R.Zahir:
Shift Scheduling for Train Dispatchers,
In the 10th International Conference on Railway Operations Modeling and Analysis (ICROMA)--RailBelgrade 2023
L. Yu,
C. H. Häll,
A. Peterson, C. Schmidt:
A MILP Model for Rescheduling Freight Trains
under an Unexpected Marshalling-Yard Closure,
the 10th International Conference on Railway Operations Modeling and Analysis (ICROMA)--RailBelgrade 2023
E. Demaine, M. Löffler, C. Schmidt:
Rectangular Spiral Galaxies are Still Hard,
In Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Volume 110, March 2023
[Preprint on arXiv], [doi (open access)]
G. Flötteröd,
F. Kristofersson,
R. Ringdahl,
Effects of an Optimized Carsharing-System Design on Demand: a Joint Optimization–Simulation Approach
In 26th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies
E. Krohn, B.J. Nilsson, C. Schmidt:
Opposing Half Guards,
In CCCG 2022
[Preprint on arXiv], [PDF of Proceedings]
E. Hérnandez-Romero,
B. Josefsson,
A. Lemetti,
T. Polishchuk,
Integrating Weather Impact in Air Traffic Controller Shift Scheduling in Remote and Conventional Towers
In EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, Volume 11, 2022
[doi (open access)], [PDF]
B.J. Nilsson, C. Schmidt:
k-Transmitter Watchman Routes,
In EuroCG 2022
[PDF of booklet of abstracts]
L. Meyer,
M. Peukert,
T. Polishchuk,
Investigating Ocular and Head-Yaw Measures as Indicators for Workload and Fatigue under Varying Taskload Conditions
In 10th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT ’22)
R. Sáez,
T. Polishchuk,
H. Hardell,
L. Smetanová,
V. Polishchuk,
X. Prats:
Automated Sequencing and Merging with Dynamic Aircraft Arrival Routes and Speed Management for Continuous Descent Operations
In Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 132, November 2021
[PDF (Elsevier Open Access)]
W. Erlandson, C. H. Häll,
A. Peterson,
Meta-Heuristic for Inserting a Robust Train Path in a Non-Cyclic Timetable,
In Rail Beijing
H. Akitaya,
B. Ballinger,
E. Demaine,
T. Hull,
C. Schmidt:
Folding Points to a Point and Lines to a Line,
In 33rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2021)
E. Demaine, M. Löffler, C. Schmidt:
Rectangular Spiral Galaxies are Still Hard,
In 37th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2021)
[PDF], [PDF vom EuroCG'21 page],
[Slides], [Puzzle handout from the talk]
O. Aichholzer,
H. Akitaya,
K. Cheung,
E. Demaine,
M. Demaine,
S. Fekete,
L. Kleist,
I. Kostitsyna,
M. Löffler,
Z. Masárová,
K. Mundilova,
C. Schmidt:
Folding Polyominoes with Holes into a Cube,
In Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Vol. 93, February 2021
[Preprint on arXiv], [doi]
C. Schmidt:
Guarding Polyominoes under k-Hop Visibility or Minimum k-Dominating Sets in Grid Graphs,
In 4th Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry
(ICCG 2021)
[PDF], [Slides],
[Recording of conference talk]
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
R. Sáez,
X. Prats,
H. Hardell,
L. Smetanová:
How to Achieve CDOs for All Aircraft: Automated
Separation in TMAs;
Enabling Flexible Entry Times and Accounting for Wake Turbulence Categories
In SESAR Innovation Days (SID) 2020
[PDF], [Slides]
B. Josefsson,
A. Lemetti,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
Integrating Weather Impact in RTC Staff Scheduling,
In SESAR Innovation Days (SID) 2020
[PDF], [Slides],
[Video of presentation by Tatiana]
B. Josefsson,
L. Meyer,
M. Peukert,
T. Polishchuk,
Validation of Controller Workload Predictors at Conventional and Remote Towers,
In International Conference for Research in Air Transportation
[PDF], [Slides], [Slides with all builds]
Extended presentation (left) and 15-min presentation (right):
F. Ljunggren, K. Persson,
A. Peterson,
Railway Timetabling: A Maximum Bottleneck Path
Algorithm for Finding an Additional Train Path,
In Public Transport, Volume 13, pages 597-623 (2021)
[PDF], [doi]
R. Sáez,
X. Prats,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
Automation for Separation with CDOs: Dynamic Aircraft Arrival Routes
In Journal of Air Transportation , Volume 28, Number 4, October 2020. Part of Virtual Collection: Best Papers from ATM Seminar 2019
[PDF], [doi]
O. Aichholzer,
H. Akitaya,
K. Cheung,
E. Demaine,
M. Demaine,
S. Fekete,
L. Kleist,
I. Kostitsyna,
M. Löffler,
Z. Masárová,
K. Mundilova,
C. Schmidt:
Folding Polyominoes with Holes into a Cube,
In CCCG 2019
O. Daescu,
S. Friedrichs,
H. Malik,
V. Polishchuk,
Altitude Terrain Guarding and Guarding Uni-Monotone Polygons,
In CGTA, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications (special issue of CGTA on EuroCG'18), Volume 84, November 2019, pages 22-35
Preprint on arXiv, doi,
links to all arXiv versions of the papers in the special issue.
T. Andersson Granberg,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
A Framework for Integrated Terminal Airspace Design
In The Aeronautical Journal, Volume 123, Issue 1263, May 2019 , pp. 567-585
R. Sáez,
X. Prats,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
Automation for Separation with CDOs: Dynamic Aircraft Arrival Routes
In ATM Seminar, 2019
Slides (Tatiana Polishchuk),
Slides from presentation at the Swedish National Transport Conference (October 2019)
A. Peterson,
V. Polishchuk,
Applying Geometric Thick Paths to Compute the Maximum Number of Additional Train Paths in a Railway Timetable,
In Rail Norrköping
Proceedings, PDF,
T. Andersson Granberg,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
Integer Programming-Based Airspace Sectorization for Terminal Maneuvering Areas with Convex Sectors
In Journal of Air Transportation , Volume 27, Number 4, October 2019
doi, PDF.
B. Josefsson,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
A Step Towards Remote Tower Center Deployment: Optimizing Staff Scheduling,
In Journal of Air Transportation , Volume 27, Number 3, July 2019
PDF, doi
B. Josefsson,
J. Jakobi,
A. Papenfuss,
T. Polishchuk,
L. Sedov:
Identification of Complexity Factors for Remote Towers,
In SESAR Innovation Days 2018
PDF, Slides, Slides with builds.
O. Daescu,
H. Malik,
A Greedy Linear-time Algorithm for the Altitude Terrain Guarding Problem,
In 28th Annual Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry
J. Dahlberg,
T. Andersson Granberg,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
Capacity-Driven Automatic Design of Dynamic Aircraft Arrival Routes,
In 37th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) , London, UK.
PDF, Slides.
F. Ljunggren, K. Persson,
A. Peterson,
Maximum Robust Train Path for an Additional Train Inserted in a Railway Timetable Close to Operation,
In Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport and TransitData 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
Best Paper Award.
S. Friedrichs,
V. Polishchuk,
Altitude Terrain Guarding and Guarding Uni-Monotone Polygons,
In European Workshop on Computational Geometry, EuroCG 2018
S. Cannon ,
Th. Fai,
J. Iwerks,
U. Leopold, C.Schmidt:
Combinatorics and complexity of guarding polygons with edge and point 2-transmitters,
In Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications (CGTA), Volume 68, March 2018, Pages 89-100
PDF on ScienceDirect, Preprint on arXiv.
O. Aichholzer,
M. Biro,
E. Demaine,
M. Demaine,
D. Eppstein,
S. Fekete,
A. Hesterberg,
I. Kostitsyna,
C. Schmidt:
Folding Polyominoes into (Poly)Cubes,
In International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications (IJCGA), Vol. 28, No. 03, pp. 197-226 (2018)
Preprint on arXiv, doi.
J. Dahlberg,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
Stakeholder Cooperation for Improved Predictability and Lower Cost Remote Services,
In SESAR Innovation Days (SID) 2017
PDF, Slides .
B. Josefsson,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
Scheduling Air Traffic Controllers at the Remote Tower Center,
In 36th IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference
(DASC), 2017.
PDF, Slides.
T. Andersson Granberg,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
A Framework for Integrated Terminal Airspace Design
In Flight Simulation Conference: Modelling and Simulation in Air Traffic Management, Royal Aeronautical Society, 2017.
S. Fekete, A. Haas,
M. Hemmer,
M. Hoffmann,
I. Kostitsyna,
D.Krupke, F. Maurer,
J. S.B. Mitchell, A. Schmidt, C. Schmidt, J. Troegel:
Computing Nonsimple Polygons of Minimum Perimeter,
In Journal of Computational Geometry (JoCG), Volume 8, Number 1 (2017), pp. 340--365
Preprint on arXiv,
T. Andersson Granberg,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
A Novel MIP-based Airspace Sectorization for TMAs
In ATM Seminar, 2017.
B. Josefsson,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
A Step Towards Remote Tower Center Deployment: Optimizing Staff Scheduling,
In ATM Seminar, 2017.
[abstract-only refereed]
T. Andersson Granberg,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
Convex Sectorization--a Novel Integer Programming Approach,
In 2017 Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance (ICNS) Conference.
(3rd Best Paper award)
M. Biro,
Computational Complexity and Bounds for Norinori and LITS,
In EuroCG 2017, Malmö, Sweden, 2017, pp.29--32.
Link to proceedings,
T. Andersson Granberg,
T. Polishchuk,
A Novel MIP-based Airspace Sectorization for TMAs,
In EuroCG 2017 , Malmö, Sweden, 2017, pp.173--176.
Link to proceedings,
T. Andersson Granberg,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
Automatic Design of Aircraft Arrival Routes with Limited Turning Angle,
In 16th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2016)
S. Friedrichs,
M. Hemmer,
J. King, C. Schmidt:
The continuous 1.5D terrain guarding problem: discretization, optimal solution, and PTAS,
In Journal of Computational Geometry, Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
PDF, Preprint on arXiv,
M. Ernestus,
S. Friedrichs,
M. Hemmer , J. Kokemüller,
A. Kröller,
M. Moeini, C. Schmidt:
Algorithms for Art Gallery Illumination,
In Journal of Global Optimization.
Online First version,
Preprint on arXiv (with bibtex),
S. Fekete, A. Haas,
M. Hemmer,
M. Hoffmann,
I. Kostitsyna,
D.Krupke, F. Maurer,
J. S.B. Mitchell, A. Schmidt, C. Schmidt, J. Troegel:
Computing Nonsimple Polygons of Minimum Perimeter,
In 15th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms - SEA 2016
, June 5-8, 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia
Preprint on arXiv,
Proceedings ,
K. Burke ,
E. Demaine,
H. Gregg,
R. Hearn,
A. Hesterberg,
M. Hoffmann,
H. Ito,
I. Kostitsyna,
J. Leonard,
M. Löffler,
Y. Uno,
A. Santiago,
R. Uehara ,
A. Williams:
Single-Player and Two-Player Buttons & Scissors Games (Extended Abstract),
To appear in Post-Conference Proceedings of JCDCG^2 2015
Preprint on arXiv
T. Andersson Granberg,
P. Axelsson, J. Petersson,
T. Polishchuk,
V. Polishchuk,
Configuration and Planning of the Remote Tower Modules in a Remote Tower Center,
In 7th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT)
, June 20-24, 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
M. Hemmer , C. Schmidt:
Convex Hulls,
In Encyclopedia of Algorithms.
Springer Link,
M. Biro,
T. Hamamoto,
Y. Uno:
Bounds on the number of hint squares for Shakashaka,
In the 18th Japan Conference on Discrete an Computational Geometry and Graphs (JCDCG^2 2015)
K. Burke ,
E. Demaine,
R. Hearn,
A. Hesterberg,
M. Hoffmann,
H. Ito,
I. Kostitsyna,
M. Löffler,
Y. Uno,
R. Uehara ,
A. Williams:
Single-Player and Two-Player Buttons & Scissors Games,
In the 18th Japan Conference on Discrete an Computational Geometry and Graphs (JCDCG^2 2015)
A. Adler, M. Biro,
E. Demaine, M. Rudoy, C. Schmidt:
Computational complexity of numberless Shakashaka,
In the 27th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2015), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, pp. 281--286.
PDF of proceedings,
O. Aichholzer,
M. Biro,
E. Demaine,
M. Demaine,
D. Eppstein,
S. Fekete,
A. Hesterberg,
I. Kostitsyna,
C. Schmidt:
Folding Polyominoes into (Poly)Cubes,
In the 27th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2015), Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, pp. 101--106.
PDF of proceedings,
S. Cannon ,
Th. Fai,
J. Iwerks,
U. Leopold, C.Schmidt:
Combinatorics of edge 2-transmitter art gallery problems,
In the 31st European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 2015, pp. 40--43.
PDF of booklet of abstracts
S. Friedrichs,
M. Hemmer , C. Schmidt:
Exact solutions for the continuous Terrain Guarding Problem,
In the 31st European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG), Ljubljana, Slovenia, March 2015, pp. 212--215.
PDF of booklet of abstracts
S. Cannon ,
Th. Fai,
J. Iwerks,
U. Leopold, C.Schmidt:
NP-hardness proofs for point and edge 2-transmitters,
In 24th Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry
(FWCG 2014), Storrs, CT.
S. Fekete,
S. Friedrichs,
A. Kröller, C. Schmidt:
Facets for Art Gallery Problems
In Algorithmica .
Preprint on arXiv, bibtex
S. Friedrichs,
M. Hemmer , C. Schmidt:
A PTAS for the continuous 1.5D Terrain Guarding Problem,
In the Proceedings of the 26th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
(CCCG 2014), August 2014, pp. 367--373.
Preprint on arXiv (with bibtex)
S. Fekete,
S. Friedrichs,
M. Hemmer ,
J. S.B. Mitchell, C. Schmidt:
On the Chromatic Art Gallery Problem,
In the Proceedings of the 26th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
(CCCG 2014), August 2014pp. 73--79.
E. Arkin,
M. Biro,
O. Filtser,
M.J. Katz,
J. S.B. Mitchell, C. Schmidt:
Simple Rectilinear Polygons are Perfect under Rectangular Vision,
In 23rd Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry
(FWCG 2013), New York, NY
PDF, slides.
S. Fekete,
S. Friedrichs,
A. Kröller, C. Schmidt:
Facets for Art Gallery Problems,
In the Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference
(COCOON'13), Hangzhou, China, pp. 208--220:
online version,
Preprint on arXiv,
BibTeX .
S. Fekete,
A. Kröller, L.S. Kyou,
J. McLurkin, C. Schmidt:
Triangulating Unknown Environments Using Robot Swarms,
Video and abstract. In the Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry
(SoCG 2013).
all videos,
abstract [PDF],
BibTeX .
D. Borrmann, P.J. de Rezende,
C.C. de Souza,
S. Fekete,
S. Friedrichs,
A. Kröller,
A. Nüchter, C. Schmidt, D.C. Tozoni:
Point Guards and Point Clouds: Solving General Art Gallery Problems,
Video and abstract. In the Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry
(SoCG 2013).
all videos,
BibTeX .
S. Fekete,
S. Friedrichs,
A. Kröller, C. Schmidt:
Facets for Art Gallery Problems,
In 29th European Workshop in Computational Geometry
(EuroCG 2013), Braunschweig, Germany, 2013, pp. 1--5.
PDF of booklet of abstracts,
BibTeX .
A. Kröller, M. Moeini, C. Schmidt:
A Novel Efficient Approach for Solving the Art Gallery Problem,
In Seventh International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation WALCOM 2013,
Kharagpur, India, 2013, LLNCS Vol. 7748, pp. 5-16: online version ,
BibTeX .
S. Fekete, S. Rex, C. Schmidt:
Online Exploration and Triangulation in Orthogonal Polygonal Regions,
In Seventh International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation WALCOM 2013,
Kharagpur, India, 2013, LLNCS Vol. 7748, pp. 29-40: online version ,
BibTeX .
S. Fekete, J.-C. Kalo, C. Schmidt:
The Discrete and Continuous Snowblower Problem (preprint),
1st Computational Geometry: Young Researchers Forum (Abstract collection)(CG:YRF 2012), Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2012, pp. 5--6.
S. Fekete, Joseph S.B. Mitchell, C. Schmidt:
Minimum Covering with Travel Cost,
In the Journal of Combinatorial Optimization , Volume 24, Number 1 (2012), pp. 32-51: online version .
BibTeX ,
Preprint on arXiv.
A. Kröller,
T. Baumgartner,
S. Fekete, C. Schmidt:
Exact Solutions and Bounds for General Art Gallery Problems,
In Journal of Experimental Algorithms,
Volume 17 Issue 1, July 2012 .
[PDF] ,[doi], BibTeX
A. Kröller, C. Schmidt:
Energy-Aware Art Gallery Illumination,
In 28th European Workshop in Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2012), Assisi, Italy, 2012, pp. 93--96.
PDF of booklet of abstracts , BibTeX
C. Schmidt:
Maxmin Length Triangulation in Polygons,
In 28th European Workshop in Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2012), Assisi, Italy, 2012, pp. 121--124.
PDF of booklet of abstracts, BibTeX
C. Schmidt:
Algorithms for Mobile Agents with Limited Capabilities,
Dissertation, Braunschweig Institute of Technology and Cuvillier, Göttingen, 2011.
BibTeX , PDF or PDF , Publisher
S. Fekete, T. Kamphans,
A. Kröller, Joseph S.B. Mitchell, C. Schmidt:
Exploring and Triangulating a Region by a Swarm of Robots,
In 14th. International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX '2011), Princeton, USA, 2011, pp.206--217.
PDF , BibTeX
S. Fekete, H.Hasemann, T. Kamphans, C. Schmidt:
Geometric Motion Planning: Finding Intersections,
In 27th European Workshop in Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2011), Morschach, Switzerland, 2011, pp. 189--192.
PDF , BibTeX
S. Fekete, T. Kamphans, A. Kröller, C. Schmidt:
Robot Swarms for Exploration and Triangulation of Unknown Environments,
In 26th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2010) , Dortmund, Germany, 2010, pp. 153 - 156.
PDF , BibTeX
T. Baumgartner,
S. Fekete, A. Kröller, C. Schmidt:
Exact Solutions and Bounds for General Art Gallery Problems,
In the Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX10), Austin, USA, 2010, pp.11-22.
S. Fekete, C. Schmidt:
Polygon Exploration with Time-Discrete Vision,
In Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Volume 43, issue 2, February 2010, pp. 148-168.
Science Direct, BibTeX
S. Fekete, C. Schmidt, A. Wegener, H. Hellbrück, S. Fischer:
Empowered by Wireless Communication: Distributed Methods for Self-Organizing Traffic Collectives,
In ACM Transactions on Autnomous and Adaptive Systems, Volume 5, issue 3, September 2010.
BibTeX .
Preprint on arXiv.
S. Fekete, Joseph S.B. Mitchell, C. Schmidt:
Minimum Covering with Travel Cost,
In the Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2009), Honolulu, USA, 2009, pp.393-402.
BibTeX ,
Preprint on arXiv .
S. Fekete, D. Fey, M. Komann, A. Kröller, M. Reichenbach, C. Schmidt:
Distributed Vision with Smart Pixels,
In 25th Annual ACM Proceedings of the Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2009), Aarhus, Denmark, 2009, pp. 257-266.
BibTeX , PDF.
S. Fekete, C. Schmidt:
Low-Cost Tours for Nearsighted Watchmen with Discrete Vision,
In 25th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2009) , Brussels, Belgium, 2009, pp. 171-174.
PDF , BibTeX
A. Wegener, H. Hellbrück, S. Fischer, B. Hendriks, C. Schmidt, S. Fekete:
Designing a Decentralized Traffic Information System - AutoNomos,
In Proceedings of the 16. GTI/GI - Fachtagung Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2009), pp. 309-315 .
PDF , BibTeX
M. Komann, A. Kröller, C. Schmidt, D. Fey, S. Fekete:
Emergent Algorithms for Centroid and Orientation Detection in High-Performance Embedded Cameras ,
In the Proceedings of the 2008 ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (Computing Frontiers '08), Ischia, Italy, 2008, pp. 221-230.
S. Fekete, C. Schmidt:
Polygon Exploration with Discrete Vision,
In CoRR, abs/0807.2358 (CoRR) ,
PDF , BibTeX
S. Fekete, C. Schmidt:
Polygon Exploration with Discrete Vision,
In 23rd European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EWCG 2007) , Graz, Austria, 2007, pp. 86-89.
A. Wegener, H. Hellbrück, S. Fischer, C. Schmidt, S. Fekete:
AutoCast: An Adaptive Data Dissemination Protocol for Traffic Information Systems,
in Proceedings of the 66th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2007 (VTC2007-Fall) , Baltimore, USA, 2007.
PDF , BibTeX
S. Fekete, C. Schmidt:
Polygon Exploration with Discrete Vision,
Robot Navigation,
Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl , Germany, 2006.
PDF , BibTeX
S. Fekete, C. Schmidt, A. Wegener, S. Fischer:
Recognizing Traffic Jams with Hovering Data Clouds,
2nd International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (IEEE-ISOLA 2006), Paphos, Cyprus, 2006, pp. 213-218.
PDF , BibTeX
C. Schmidt:
Polygon Exploration with Scan Costs,
Diploma thesis, TU Braunschweig, 2006.
My coauthors in alphabetical order: Aviv Adler, Oswin Aichholzer, Carlos Alegría , Tobias Andersson Granberg, Hugo Akitaya, Esther M. Arkin, Peter Axelsson, Alireza Bagheri, Brad Ballinger, Tobias Baumgartner, Michael Biro, Dorit Borrmann, Anna Brötzner, Kyle Burke , Sarah Cannon , Kenny Cheung, Ovidiu Daescu, Joen Dahlberg, David Dekker, Erik Demaine, Martin Demaine, David Eppstein, William Erlandson, Maximillian Ernestus, Thomas Fai, Faezah Farivar, Sándor Fekete, Dietmar Fey, Omrit Filtser, Stefan Fischer, Gunnar Flötteröd, Stephan Friedrichs, Rahmat Ghasemi, Harrison Gregg, Andreas Haas, Carl Henrik Häll, Roghayeh Hajizadeh, Tomohisa Hamamoto, Henrik Hardell, Henning Hasemann, Robert Hearn, Horst Hellbrück, Michael Hemmer , Björn Hendriks, Eulalia Hérnandez-Romero, Adam Hesterberg, Michael Hoffmann, Tom Hull, Hiro Ito, Justin Iwerks, Joern Jakobi, Billy Josefsson, Jan-Christoph Kalo, Tom Kamphans, Matthew J. Katz, Fatemeh Keshavarz-Kohjerdi, James King, Linda Kleist, Jan Kokemüller, Marcus Komann, Filip Kristofersson, Erik Krohn, Irina Kostitsyna, Alexander Kröller, Dominik Krupke, L.S. Kyou, Anastasia Lemetti, Jody Leonard, Undine Leopold, Tomas Lidén, Fredrik Ljunggren, Maarten Löffler, Hemant Malik, Zuzana Masárová, Niki Matinrad, Florian Maurer, James McLurkin, Lothar Meyer, Joseph S.B. Mitchell, Mahdi Moeini, Klara Mundilova, Bengt J. Nilsson, Andreas Nüchter, Anne Papenfuss, Kristian Persson, Maximilian Peukert, Anders Peterson, Jonas Petersson, Tatiana Polishchuk, Valentin Polishchuk, Xavier Prats, Marc Reichenbach, Sophia Rex, Pedro J. de Rezende, Christian Rieck, Rasmus Ringdahl, Elina Rönnberg, Mikhail Rudoy, Raúl Sáez, Aaron Santiago, Christian Scheffer, Arne Schmidt, Carlos Seara , Lucie Smetanová, Cid C. de Souza, Davi C. Tozoni, Julian Troegel, Ryuhei Uehara , Yushi Uno, Axel Wegener, Aaron Williams, Helene Alpfjord Wylde, Liyun Yu, Rabii Zahir